Additional Resources
Section #9 of the RHY Toolkit
The resources in this section provide useful and practical information on RHY and relationship violence. This section is organized by type of resource: internet resources, curricula and approaches, additional information and resources on the intersections, and additional readings.
Examples of the type of resources discussed in this section of the RHY Toolkit.
Break the Cycle features information for teen on several types of violence. It covers violence in the home, what to do if you are personally experiencing intimate partner violence, and how to help a friend who is experiencing IPV.
Children of the Night is a privately funded non-profit organization with the specific purpose of providing intervention in the lives of children who are sexually exploited and vulnerable to or involved in prostitution and pornography.
loveisrespect offers real-time, one-on-one support from Peer Advocates, who are trained to offer support to those involved in dating abuse relationships, as well as concerned parents, teachers, clergy, law enforcement, and service providers.
The National Runaway Safeline provides help for teens that ran away or are thinking about running away. Their mission is to help keep America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets.
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